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作者:Alice 来源:重庆西语东叙翻译公司 发表时间:2012/5/11 15:00:29 浏览:1226次

                      Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Academic Degrees

第一条 为了促进我国科学专门人才的成长,促进各门学科学术水平的提高和教育、科学事业的发展,以适应社会主义现代化建设的需要,特制定本条例。
Article 1. These Regulations are formulated for the purpose of promoting the growth of specialized personnel, helping to raise the academic level of various branches of learning and promoting the development of education and science in our country, in order to meet the needs of the socialist modernization.
第二条 凡是拥护中国*的领导、拥护社会主义制度,具有一定学术水平的公民,都可以按照本条例的规定申请相应的学位。
Article 2. Any citizen who supports the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the socialist system and has attained certain academic standards may apply for an appropriate academic degree in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations.
第三条 学位分学士、硕士、博士三级。
Article 3. Academic degrees shall be of three grades: the bachelor's degree, the master's degree and the doctor's degree.
第四条 高等学校本科毕业生,成绩优良,达到下述学术水平者,授予学士学位:
Article 4. The bachelor's degree shall be conferred on graduates from institutions of higher learning who have good academic records and have attained the following academic standards:
(1) having a relatively good grasp of basic theories, specialized knowledge and basic skills in the discipline concerned; and
(2) having initially acquired the ability to undertake scientific research or to engage in a special technical work.
第五条 高等学校和科学研究机构的研究生,或具有研究生毕业同等学力的人员,通过硕士学位的课程考试和论文答辩,成绩合格,达到下述学术水平者,授予硕士学位:
Article 5. The master's degree shall be conferred on postgraduates in institutions of higher learning or scientific research institutes or persons with qualifications equivalent to postgraduates on graduation, who have passed examinations in the required courses for the master's degree and successfully defended their dissertations and have attained the following academic standards:
(1) having a firm grasp of basic theories and systematic, specialized knowledge in the discipline concerned; and
(2) having the ability to undertake scientific research or independently to engage in a special technical work.
第六条 高等学校和科学研究机构的研究生,或具有研究生毕业同等学力的人员,通过博士学位的课程考试和论文答辩,成绩合格,达到下述学术水平者,授予博士学位:
Article 6. The doctor's degree shall be conferred on postgraduates in institutions of higher learning or scientific research institutes or persons with qualifications equivalent to postgraduates on graduation, who have passed examinations in the required courses for the doctor's degree and successfully defended their dissertations and have attained the following academic standards:
(1) having a firm and comprehensive grasp of basic theories and profound and systematic specialized knowledge in the discipline concerned;
(2) having the ability to undertake independent scientific research; and
(3) having made creative achievements in science or in a special technology.
第七条 国务院设立学位委员会,负责领导全国学位授予工作。
Article 7. The State Council shall establish an Academic Degrees Committee to direct the work of conferring academic degrees throughout the country.
The Academic Degrees Committee shall consist of a chairman, vice-chairmen and other members. The chairman, vice-chairmen and other members shall be appointed and removed by the State Council.
第八条 学士学位,由国务院授权的高等学校授予;硕士学位、博士学位,由国务院授权的高等学校和科学研究机构授予。
Article 8. The bachelor's degree shall be conferred by those institutions of higher learning authorized by the State Council. The master's and doctor's degrees shall be conferred by those institutions of higher learning and scientific research institutes authorized by the State Council.
A list of institutions of higher learning and scientific research institutes that may confer academic degrees (hereinafter referred to as " degree-conferring units " ) and the disciplines in which academic degrees may be conferred shall be submitted to the State Council by its Academic Degrees Committee for approval and promulgation.
第九条 学位授予单位,应当设立学位评定委员会,并组织有关学科的学位论文答辩委员会。
Article 9. Each degree-conferring unit shall establish an academic degree evaluation committee and form dissertation committees for the disciplines concerned.
A dissertation committee must include relevant specialists from other units, and the committee members shall be selected and determined by the degree-conferring unit concerned.
A list of members of the academic degree evaluation committee shall be submitted by the degree-conferring unit to the competent department for approval. The competent department, in turn, shall present the approved list of members of the academic degree evaluation committee to the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council for the record.
第十条 学位论文答辩委员会负责审查硕士和博士学位论文、组织答辩,就是否授予硕士学位或博士学位作出决议。决议以不记名投票方式,经全体成员三分之二以上通过,报学位评定委员会。
Article 10. The dissertation committee shall be responsible for examining the dissertations for master's or doctor's degrees, organizing their oral defence and adopting resolutions whether or not to confer the master's or doctor's degrees. Each resolution shall be adopted by secret ballot and with a two-thirds majority of the committee members supporting and then submitted to the academic degree evaluation committee.
The academic degree evaluation committee shall be responsible for examining and approving the list of holders of the bachelor's degree and for making a decision whether or not to approve each resolution on the conferment of a master's or doctor's degree submitted by the dissertation committee.
Each decision shall be adopted by secret ballot and with a simple majority of the committee members supporting. The list of persons to be conferred a master's or doctor's degree shall be submitted to the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council for the record.
第十一条 学位授予单位,在学位评定委员会作出授予学位的决议后,发给学位获得者相应的学位证书。
Article 11. After a resolution to confer an academic degree has been adopted by the academic degree evaluation committee, the degree-conferring unit shall issue an appropriate diploma to the holder of the academic degree.
第十二条 非学位授予单位应届毕业的研究生,由原单位推荐,可以就近向学位授予单位申请学位。
Article 12. Postgraduates who have completed their studies in units that are not authorized to confer academic degrees may, upon the recommendation of their respective units, apply to nearby degree-conferring units for academic degrees.
They shall be conferred appropriate degrees after their applications have been examined and approved by the degree-conferring units and they have successfully defended their dissertations and attained the academic standards stipulated in these Regulations.
第十三条 对于在科学或专门技术上有重要的著作、发明、发现或发展者,经有关专家推荐,学位授予单位同意,可以免除考试,直接参加博士学位论文答辩。
Article 13. Upon the recommendation of relevant specialists and with the approval of the degree-conferring units, those who have written important works or made inventions, discoveries or other contributions to the development of science or special technologies may be exempt from examinations in the required courses for the doctor's degree and may directly take the oral examinations on their doctoral dissertations.
Those who have successfully defended their dissertations shall be conferred the doctor's degree.
第十四条 对于国内外卓越的学者或著名的社会活动家,经学位授予单位提名,国务院学位委员会批准,可以授予名誉博士学位。
Article 14. Distinguished scholars and well-known public figures, both Chinese and foreign, may be conferred an honorary doctor's degree, upon the nomination of a degree-conferring unit and with the approval of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council.
第十五条 在我国学习的外国留学生和从事研究工作的外国学者,可以向学位授予单位申请学位。
Article 15. Foreign students studying in China and foreign scholars engaged in research work in China may apply to a degree-conferring unit for academic degrees.
Those who have attained the academic standards stipulated in these Regulations shall be conferred appropriate degrees.
第十六条 非学位授予单位和学术团体对于授予学位的决议和决定持有不同意见时,可以向学位授予单位或国务院学位委员会提出异议。学位授予单位和国务院学位委员会应当对提出的异议进行研究和处理。
Article 16. If an academic body or a unit not authorized to confer academic degrees does not concur with a resolution or decision on the conferment of an academic degree, it may address its objection to the degree-conferring unit or the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council, which shall study and deal with the objection thus addressed.
第十七条 学位授予单位对于已经授予的学位,如发现有舞弊作伪等严重违反本条例规定的情况,经学位评定委员会复议,可以撤销。
Article 17. If irregularities, fraudulent practices or other situations in gross violation of the provisions of these Regulations are discovered, the degree-conferring unit concerned may revoke the degrees already conferred, after reconsideration by its academic degree evaluation committee.
第十八条 国务院对于已经批准授予学位的单位,在确认其不能保证所授学位的学术水平时,可以停止或撤销其授予学位的资格。
Article 18. If it is definitely established that a unit authorized to confer academic degrees has not been able to maintain the academic standards of the academic degrees conferred, the State Council may suspend or revoke its status as a degree-conferring unit.
第十九条 本条例的实施办法,由国务院学位委员会制定,报国务院批准。
Article 19. Measures for the implementation of these Regulations shall be formulated by the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council and submitted to the State Council for approval.
第二十条 本条例自1981年1月1日起施行。
Article 20. These Regulations shall go into effect on January 1, 1981.

