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作者:Alice 来源:重庆西语东叙翻译公司 发表时间:2012/5/11 15:01:35 浏览:1213次




妒忌是一种不良心理,往往损人不利己。看着别人事业成功,或者年轻貌美时,人们难免妒忌愤恨。如何克服妒忌心理? 首先,不要和别人的长处比较。妒忌心理往往来源于将自己的短处与别人的长处进行比较。心理学家告诫,别人拥有再多也与自己无关。他们的成功并不意味着世界上的“成功人士名额”减少了,因此不能说明你就成功不了。


Five strokes to overwhelm envy

Envy is a bad emotion that is good to none but worse to yourself. The covetous you may nurse a grudge against a successful personage or young beauty. Then how to overwhelm the envious psyche? First of all, do not compare others’ strengths to your weaknesses, for a comparison generally breeds the envious emotion. According to psychologists, it has no bearing on you how much others obtain. Since “the number of successes” is not reduced in the world on account of their achievements, you stand the show of making great hits as they have ever done.

汉译英往往需要“准确而到位,具体而形象”。译题一的正确翻译首先就依赖于对“妒忌”一词的准确翻译。汉语“妒忌”常常对应着英语中的两个词,envy和jealousy,他们虽然可以互换使用,但从心理学上讲,还是有区别的,envy通常指由于缺少别人所拥有的事物而痛苦,jealousy则是指害怕失去自己拥有的东西,特别是恋爱中失去自己的爱人。由此可以看出,本文中的“妒忌”更多的是指前者,即envy。另外,envy也是基督教七宗罪(pride, envy, wrath, gluttony, lust, sloth and greed)之一。再者,原文第一句话涉及对于envy的定义,要准确翻译必须找出envy一词准确的上义词,笔者根据词典的定义使用了emotion或psyche等词。 “损人不利己”的翻译多种多样,但要注意“人(others)”和“己(oneself)”二者之间的关联性,有网友用cut off one’s nose to spite off one’s (own) face,感觉重点是放在了损害自己身上,由于汉语“损人不利己”具有互文性,所以一些网友也把它翻译成了do harms to both oneself and others。在句法方面,“不要和别人的长处比较。妒忌心理往往来源于将自己的短处与别人的长处进行比较。”这两句话中包含重复的部分,可以合并处理,以使其适应英语的表达习惯。我们看一个未合并处理的例子:First of all, Compare not your demerits with others' demerits. Jealousness generally originates from the comparison with advantage and disadvantage(原文照录),这里两句话明显出现了不必要的重复(demerits和disadvantage的重复)。最后谈一下叙事问题。全文以第二人称“you”行文,比较符合励志类文体规范,网友的翻译大多在人称上变化较多,不停的在第三人称“one(self)”和第二人称“you”之间跳跃,使叙事变得杂乱无序。




Shanghai World Expo Offers Visitors Octopus Lucky Seal

On the morning (Beijing time) when Spain won the World Cup, flashed on the large screen at the United Nations Devnet Pavilion in the World Expo Park was a huge advertisement, which featured a lovable pink octopus goggling at a football beside its tentacles, subtitled sideward by “First Octopus Lucky Seal”. The seal was greeted with great enthusiasm upon its presence, so the sponsor decided to offer free stamping for two weeks.

这段文字开头提到的西班牙夺冠在上期英译汉翻译练习中可以看到,但那里是在标题中使用了Spain rules the soccer这样夸张的说法,我们这里可以换一种比较平和的说法: win the World Cup,由于足球是第一运动,所以the World Cup可以默认指足球世界杯。“世博园国际信息发展网馆”有固定的翻译,它是联合国的下属机构,翻译时可以补充the United Nations。为了精确翻译,必须注意章鱼的脚是指章鱼的腕足(tentacles),翻译成feet就不够具体而形象了。“圆溜溜的眼睛瞪着”可以综合考虑在一起翻译,用goggle一词可以比较形象的翻译出章鱼看东西的样子,单独翻译“圆溜溜”一词也可以考虑用beady来对应。至于“章鱼幸运章”,媒体报道翻译成octopus lucky seal,我们这里沿用,但笔者倒觉得根据英语语法对前置修饰语位置的要求,octopus和lucky的顺序应该调换一下。在句法方面,原文第一句话很长,翻译成英语要注意层次结构,有些网友翻译的句子太松散,比如:On the morning of the Spain win the world cup, a large ad displayed on the gigantic TV screen of the international information development network of world expo park, a pink lovely octopus, which circle eyes stared at a ball by her foots, the screens beside displayed:“stamp the octopus for the first time”(原文照录)。上述翻译中a large ad和a pink lovely octopus之间的关系没有说清楚,加上一些语法错误,缺少连词衔接,使得翻译无法达到预期的效果。




A Deluge Threatens the Upper Reach of the Yangtze River

The Yangtze River Hydrological Bureau predicts that after days of torrential rain a great flood is threatening the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. The peak discharge here, gaining upon 70,000 cubic meters per second, will surpass that of the flood in 1998. Then the flood prevention situation of the Yangtze River becomes rather stern, for the water levels in some rivers, lakes and reservoirs in Boyang Lake and Dongting Lake basins have already been running high and bringing great guarding pressure.

具体分析这段文字可以看到,要正确翻译原文,一些专业术语首先必须搞清楚,比如“水文局”、“洪峰”、“水系”、“高水位运行”等。对于“水文局”一词,网友提供的翻译主要有hydrology(hydrological) bureau, hydrograph(hydrographical) bureau, water bureau等,用hydrology是比较准确的,而hydrograph强调的是水文测量,water bureau是负责供水的机构。“洪峰”、“水系”的翻译问题不大,“高水位运行”比较麻烦,应结合整句翻译才好,也就是the water levels…run high。在开头部分遇到的“连日暴雨”的含义有些模糊,没有说清楚是“连续几日下不停的暴雨,还是连续几日下了几场暴雨”,所以翻译时可以避开continual/continuous这样的词所造成的争议。至于“防汛形势”一词,可以说flood prevention situation,也可以省去situation一词。最后还是想谈一下句子的问题,对于第一句“受连日暴雨影响,长江水文局预报,长江上游正在形成一场大洪水,…”,不少网友都是循序翻译,没有做出必要的语序调整,例如其中一个网友的翻译就是:With the affected of sucessive downpour,the Yangtza River Hydrology Bureau forecasted that the upper reaches of the Yangtza River is forming a huge flood(原文照录), 这样前置部分所修饰的成分就不够明确。这位网友还把长江的英文译名Yangtze River拼错了,顺便说一句,Yangtze River是外国人熟知的长江译名,可以沿用,虽然联合国已经接受了以汉语拼音拼写中国地名的原则。


下一篇:圣火采集仪式 sun-ray ceremony